Offices & Ministries

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation
Part of the mission of the Foundation is to introduce the life and teachings of Archbishop Sheen to a new generation. This is done through special Masses, events, conferences, and the distribution of materials that help promote the life of this great Bishop.

Archives & Records
The principle mission of the Office of Archives and Records of the Diocese of Peoria is to collect, preserve, and provide access to documents of the Diocese for future generations.

Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria, is a ministry inspired by Christ’s love and care, committed to serve Christ’s Mystical Body by upholding the dignity of each person and serving each individual as we would serve Christ Himself, advocating for a just and compassionate society according to our Catholic Social Teachings of the Church; and encouraging others to join us in fulfilling our mission. 

Catholic Schools
As Catholics, we are charged with developing faith-filled individuals who will lead our world in finding solutions to problems affecting peace, social harmony, and human and civil rights. This process of development begins when you choose to send your children to a Catholic school.

Catholic POST


The Chancery responds to media inquiries for Bishop Louis Tylka, D.D. Official diocesan communications also originate from the Chancery. Communication support is available to all parishes, schools and other Catholic institutions in the Diocese of Peoria through the Chancery.

Development & Stewardship
All of our work is based on the principles of Christian stewardship. We believe that God gives us everything we have and everything we are, and calls us to use these gifts of time, talent & treasure for the building of the Kingdom.

Divine Worship
The Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Peoria has as its mission, the task of assisting the bishop, whose charge it is to safeguard and promote the liturgical life of the diocese. It is also the mission of this office to foster the relationship of the liturgical life of the parishes by working closely with the priests, deacons and lay faithful of the diocese as a resource of information.

Deacons care for the disenfranchised, the bereaved, the divorced and the imprisoned, all those members of the community isolated from society by sickness and poverty, crime or age. Deacons may prepare the faithful to receive the sacraments. With proper authorization they are to preach, teach, and give spiritual guidance. They baptize, witness marriages and preside at funerals. Whatever they do, deacons are acting on behalf of the servant Christ.


Human Resources

Information Management
The Office of Information Management exists to organize and reorganize physical and digital aspects of the Curia in order that the organizational structure can fruitfully serve the mission of the Church. For more information: Amanda Connon

Marriage Tribunal
The Tribunal participates in one of the Diocesan Bishop’s three powers, namely, his judicial power. The Bishop exercises this judicial power normally through a Judicial Vicar, Judges, and Defenders of the Bond, all of whom he appoints as officers of his Diocesan Tribunal.

Mission Support
What does a diocese look like in a burgeoning Apostolic age? This is the question that has framed our discernment in how to build out a team in the diocese that fruitfully supports our priests, parishes, staff and laity alike in our shared efforts of growing disciples. This office continues the good work of what was formerly the Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation, seen through a different lens.

Priestly Vocations
Everyone is called to something. What's your calling?

Property & Facilities
The Mission of the Office of Property and Facility Management is to ensure that all diocesan properties are properly maintained so as to provide safe, sound and attractive facilities for all who work in or visit them.

Safe Environment
Safe environment training for adult employees and volunteers who have contact with minors is a key element of the U.S. Bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.