Catholic Charities
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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria, is a ministry inspired by Christ’s love and care, committed to serve Christ’s Mystical Body by upholding the dignity of each person and serving each individual as we would serve Christ Himself, advocating for a just and compassionate society according to our Catholic Social Teachings of the Church; and encouraging others to join us in fulfilling our mission.
Catholic Charities Phone Number: (309) 966-4488
St. Nicholas Charity on Wheels
St. Nicholas Charity on Wheels is a ministry of Catholic Charities that serves those in need throughout the Diocese of Peoria. The individuals will be given a bag filled with toiletries and household / cleaning supplies. These items may change on a monthly basis based on need and what is donated.
The ministry also has a spiritual dimension. Individuals will always receive a religious item such as a bible, a rosary, or a holy card. We will take their prayer requests and offer masses in their regions. The ministry will also offer prayer to them at the parish in the form of praying a rosary, a chaplet, or simply praying a vocal prayer with them.
Please join the site at the time/date/location nearest you listed in the blue calendar above if you have a need and would like to receive these supplies. If you have further questions, please email for further direction.
Click here for the Charity on Wheels Monthly Schedule
Adoption Records
For all records inquiries including post-adoption records contactus at (309) 966-4488, ext. 104.
Dr. Chris McAtee
(309) 966-4488
Mr. John J. Gibson II
Director of Bessette Center
(309) 966-4488
Sister Clare Key, DFS
Sister Vilma Loquez, FAS
Sister Merlinda Marco, FAS
Phone: (309) 671-1550 | Fax: (309) 671-1579 | Spalding Pastoral Center | 419 NE Madison Avenue, Peoria, IL. 61603