Development & Stewardship
All of our work is based on the principles of Christian stewardship.
We believe that God gives us everything we have and everything we are, and calls us to use these gifts of time, talent & treasure for the building of the Kingdom.
The Office of Development and Stewardship exists to provide material support to the vital ministries and service of the Diocese of Peoria, especially through the Annual Diocesan Appeal. We also assist parishes and schools in the areas of development and stewardship.
Do Everything for the Glory of God
The Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) is the major source of revenue for the ministries and agencies of the Diocese of Peoria. It is these ministries that enable the Church of Peoria, under the direction of the Bishop, to reach across parish boundaries in the areas of Worship/Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Service, and Church Administration, among others.
Parish Stewardship
Assistance in teaching and promoting the concepts of Christian stewardship at the parish level
Recruitment of and training for parish stewardship commissions
Listings of resources available to parishes
Assistance in devising parish means to encourage gifts of time, talent & treasure
Annual Stewardship Conference
Development and Fundraising
Pre-campaign consulting for parishes and schools considering a capital fund drive
Assistance in designing and implementing development programs for Catholic schools, parishes and Newman Centers
Assessment of parish needs and recommendations to fulfill those needs
Assistance with increased offertory programs
Annual Development Conference
Parish Long Range Planning
For Religious Education and Adult Faith Formation
The Fulton Sheen Endowment is a part of the Rooted in Faith Campaign and provides parish-based grants (NOT SCHOOLS) to be used in the following areas:
To enhance religious education and adult faith formation programs in parishes.
Evangelization programs in parishes.
Family life programs through workshops, seminars and distance learning opportunities in parishes.
Dan Onderko
Director of Development & Stewardship
Sister Salezia Rudyova, FSJB
Mother Vaclava Ballon, FSJB
Phone: (309) 671-1550 | Fax: (309) 671-1579 | Spalding Pastoral Center | 419 NE Madison Avenue, Peoria, IL. 61603