Divine Worship

Cathedral Liturgy Worship Aids

Welcome to the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception! We are glad you are here to worship. Please use the links below to access the liturgy worship aid for the correct Mass.

Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Sunday October 27, 2024: 10:30 a.m.

The Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Peoria has as its mission, the task of assisting the bishop, whose charge it is to safeguard and promote the liturgical life of the diocese. It is also the mission of this office to foster the relationship of the liturgical life of the parishes by working closely with the priests, deacons and lay faithful of the diocese as a resource of information.

The office supports the bishop in his role through the preparation of liturgies celebrated by the people of the diocese (i.e. Ordinations, Chrism Mass, Rite of Election, etc.) and also helps parishes and groups in their celebrations of Episcopal Liturgies (Mass or special prayer services with the bishop).

The Office of Divine Worship serves as consultant to parishes, schools, and agencies regarding liturgical needs, questions, liturgical study, liturgical music, special celebrations, ministry formation, retreats and days of reflection, sacramental preparation and rituals.

This page contains Diocesan Guidelines & Liturgical Norms, a local Liturgical Calendar, Fasting & Abstinence guidelines, Guides to Catholic Ceremonies, and Manual for liturgical ministries. Other information will be posted as it is needed or developed.

Scheduling Masses/Events Around the Diocesan Campus

Since there is no central office for scheduling events, it is up to the host organization to contact all the necessary offices:

The Bishop:
If you would like the bishop to offer Mass or to attend an event at the Spalding Pastoral Center, the Spalding Renewal Center or the Cathedral, please contact Cheryl Berkshier (cberkshier@cdop.org or (309) 671-1550). Cheryl can arrange the Bishop’s participation, but she cannot guarantee meeting or chapel space. Cheryl can guarantee Mass at the Cathedral WHEN THE BISHOP presides.

Cathedral / Spalding Pastoral Center:

If your proposed event includes the celebration of Mass (or any other liturgical celebration in a chapel) for a small group, the organizer must contact the appropriate office:

If your event includes Mass at the Cathedral WITH the Bishop, Cheryl Berkshier will schedule the use of the Cathedral.

If you wish to reserve the Cathedral for a celebration WITHOUT the Bishop, you must make these arrangements with Phil Lee in the Office of Divine Worship (plee@cdop.org) (309) 671-1550.

Conference Room Space: If you require meeting space in the Spalding Pastoral Center, these rooms are reserved entirely separately. Please contact Andrew Hagemann (ahagemann@cdop.org) or Julie Small (jsmall@cdop.org) or (309) 671-1550. Andrew and Julie can provide information about various rooms that are available, arrange catering, and any other needs you might have. They do not reserve any of the chapels or the Cathedral.

Masses should not be offered in the Spalding Conference rooms. If your event includes Mass, please make this a priority and schedule the chapel space before scheduling the conference rooms.


  • To schedule an event/ Mass WITH the Bishop: Cheryl Berkshier (cberkshier@cdop.org)
    Cheryl can arrange cathedral use only for events that involve the Bishop

  • Cathedral Events WITHOUT the Bishop: Phil Lee (plee@cdop.org)

  • Conference/Meeting space at Spalding Pastoral Center: Andrew Hagemann (ahagemann@cdop.org) or Julie Small (jsmall@cdop.org)

Explanation of the Mass

Father Charles Klamut, Priest for the Diocese of Peoria, offers a detailed explanation of the Mass. This is a wonderful source for anyone wanting to explore or understand more deeply the wonderful gift of Holy Mass instituted by our Lord at the Last Supper.


Statutes for the Building Commission
Statutes for the Commission on Liturgy, Churches, and Chapels

Extraordinary Minister Affidavit

The Affidavit for Serving as an Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion that must be completed by the pastor is available in both English and Spanish.

Eucharistic minister training material is no longer being published. We are trusting each parish to specifically create and modify materials that best fit their church.

Confirmation Forms

Click here to download material

Information pertaining to scheduling Confirmation may be found in the forms section under Divine Worship.  

  • Notes for Pastors, Teachers, Deacons and Musicians

  • Parish Checklist

  • Confirmation Mass Readings

  • Intercessions / Petitions

  • Cathedral Confirmation info for Parents, Teachers and Pastors

Guide to Confession

Click here to download material

These resources that will help explain and guide you through the Sacrament of Penance (commonly known as Confession or Reconciliation). We have included both Children's and Adult's versions that speak and teach to each group in an age-appropriate manner.

The Adult version is also available in Spanish.

Order of Celebrating Matrimony, Second Edition

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has confirmed the English translation of the Order of Celebrating Matrimony, Second Edition (OCM), with a recognitio decree dated June 29, 2015 (Prot. n. 84/14). At present, the Secretariat for Divine Worship is engaged with a standard review to resolve any issues that are commonly addressed with new liturgical translations. Following this process, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, USCCB President, will issue a decree of publication establishing the implementation date.

The button below will lead you to a review of the changes (CDWDS Confirms Order of Celebrating Matrimony) provided by Msgr. Stanley Deptula.  For additional information about the new Rite of Marriage that took effect this Fall 2016, please visit USCCB.org.

Changes in the Second Edition

Readings & Intercessions for Weddings

Burial of the deceased and the conservation of ashes

The full text of the instruction from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith re-affirming the permission for Catholics to be cremated, and strongly restating the importance that cremated remains must be given Christian burial, is available here.

Must Reads!

Purification of Sacred Vessels
USCCB Newsletter on Liturgy
Low-Gluten Hosts

Mr. Phil Lee
Director of Divine Worship

Mr. Jon Kroepel
Director of Music, Organist

Phone: (309) 671-1550 | Fax: (309) 671-1579 | Spalding Pastoral Center | 419 NE Madison Avenue, Peoria, IL. 61603