Office of Priestly Vocations

Courageous priests started a mission in Peoria 150 years ago.
Courageous men continue to join their priestly mission.

The word "vocation" means call. Everybody has a vocation in the sense that God is constantly attempting to call us closer to him, to become holy. For some, God calls them to holiness by being husbands or fathers. For others God is calling them to holiness by serving as missionaries or doctors or monks. For many God is calling them to holiness as priests.

It is only by seeking God's will for our lives, and then following it, that we can truly know the happiness God intends for us. Unfortunately, many seek happiness according only to what they want, or following one's own will apart from God's. In fact, true happiness comes only from seeking God's will, then surrendering our own will to His and then following it joyfully.

Every healthy Catholic man should consider the priesthood.

Have you?


Discernment is the intentional processes of discovering God’s will through the prayerful effort to hear His voice above all other voices. Discernment leads to a profound commitment to follow God’s call through a sacred vocation.

Discernment is not something that one should do alone, but with the guidance of the Church. If you are seeking guidance, we are here to help!


Before being ordained, a man must undergo formation, which allows him to be transformed and grow into the role God is asking him to take. This is done in the seminary. The word seminary has as its root the word "seminis," which means "seed." The seminary is the seedbed for vocations where the seed planted by God begins to take root and sprout. In the seminary, the candidate is nurtured and taught so that he can mature not only as a person, but academically, pastorally and spiritually.



From swimming, tug of war, and kickball, to prayer and sacraments, Emmaus Days helps young men realize that living the faith can be both fun and fulfilling. We strive to help young men become more aware of God’s presence in their lives and get them excited about living their faith. Participants are given the chance to interact with priests, seminarians and other young men their own age.

Emmaus Knights is a monthly gathering that extend Emmaus Days experience throughout the rest of the year.

Totus Tuus

The Office of Vocations is excited to bring the Totus Tuus experience back for another summer of evangelizing our youth! For one week during the summer, we provide parish youth from grades 1-12 a prayer-filled environment that will help them know and love Jesus Christ through His Mother, Mary.

Totus Tuus (TOTE-us TOO-us) is a Latin phrase that means "totally yours" and was the papal motto of Pope Saint John Paul II, describing his consecration to Jesus through Mary.


How to Help Grow Priestly Vocations

Even if you are not a young man thinking about a priestly vocation, you can help those who are in a number of ways.

Pray: Please intercede in your daily prayer for men, unknown to us, whom the Lord is calling to a priestly vocation, for our current seminarians, and specifically “for holy priestly vocations in the Diocese of Peoria.”

If you’re looking for a more direct way to pray for priestly vocations, please download the Novena to Saint Therese, Patroness of Vocations. LEARN MORE

Donate: We are always accepting donations to ensure that every young man has the opportunity to pursue seminary formation. LEARN MORE

Vocations Apostolate: Assist your pastor in starting a vocations apostolate in your parish. LEARN MORE

Emmaus House

A place of rest, fraternity, and prayer for priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria.

Brothers, you are always welcome to request a stay at the Emmaus House for a day off, a desert day, to have a central meeting place for fraternity, or if you are just passing through. Once you make your request, I will confirm your reservation and send you pertinent details for your stay. - Fr. Chase

*Emmaus House may only be reserved by priests or seminarians.

Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck
Vocation Director for Recruitment

Fr. Patrick Henehan
Vocation Director for Formation

Beatrice Nava
Administrative Assistant

Phone: (309) 671-1550 | Fax: (309) 671-1579 | Spalding Pastoral Center | 419 NE Madison Avenue, Peoria, IL. 61603