Explanation of the Mass

Father Charles Klamut, Priest for the Diocese of Peoria, offers a detailed explanation of the Mass. This is a wonderful source for anyone wanting to explore or understand more deeply the wonderful gift of Holy Mass instituted by our Lord at the Last Supper.

Explaining the Mass, Part 1: Kiss, Greeting, Penitence

Explaining the Mass, Part 2: Gloria and Opening Prayer

Explaining the Mass, Part 3: Readings and Homily

Explaining the Mass, Part 4: Creed and Intercessions

Explaining the Mass, Part 5: Offertory and Preparation of the Altar

Explaining the Mass, Part 6: Preface and Eucharistic Prayer

Explaining the Mass, Part 7: Communion Rite

Explaining the Mass, Part 8: Closing Rites

Mr. Phil Lee
Director of Divine Worship

Mr. Jon Kroepel
Director of Music, Organist

Phone: (309) 671-1550 | Fax: (309) 671-1579 | Spalding Pastoral Center | 419 NE Madison Avenue, Peoria, IL. 61603