Monsignor Ernest E. Pizzamiglio
Senior Status (Priest), Priest
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Chicago, Illinois
Birthday: November 5, 1933
Ordained: May 22, 1966
Current assignment:
Senior Status, 2018.
Past assignments:
Assistant of Holy Family (Peoria), 1966.
Assistant of Holy Cross (Champaign), 1971.
Assistant of Visitation (Kewanee), Administrator of St. John the Evangelist (Galva), 1973.
Vicar Forane (Kewanee Vicariate), 1974.
Pastor of St. Patrick (Elkhart), St. Thomas Aquinas (Mt. Pulaski), St. John (Middletown), 1976.
Pastor of St. Mary (DePue), 1981.
Pastor of St. Edward (Chillicothe), 1985.
Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Galesburg), 1990.
Vicar Forane (Monmouth Vicariate), 1990.
While remaining Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Galesburg); Administrator of St. Aloysius (Wataga), 2002.
Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Galesburg), St. Aloysius (Wataga), 2006.
Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Galesburg), 2009.
Chaplain to His Holiness, 2009.