Father William M. Gardner
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Detroit, Michigan
Birthday: February 26, 1960
Ordained May 23, 1992
Current assignment:
Special assignment, 2014.
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Columba (Ottawa), 1992.
Immaculate Conception (Streator), Assistant Chaplain and Religion Teacher of Marquette High School (Ottawa), 1994.
Pastor of St. Mary (Wenona), St. John (Lostant), 1995.
Vicar Forane (Henry Vicariate), 1998.
Pastor of St. Paul (Odell), Sacred Heart (Campus), 2001.
Pastor of St. Valentine (Peru), 2006.
While remaining Pastor of St. Valentine (Peru); Pastor of St. Mary (Peru), 2008.