Father S. Stephen Engelbrecht
Sacred Heart, Annawan, St. Anthony, Atkinson
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Jacksonville, Illinois
Birthday: July 26, 1973
Ordained May 27, 2000
Current assignment:
While remaining Pastor of St. Anthony (Atkinson), Vicar Forane (Kewanee Vicariate); Pastor of Sacred Heart (Annawan), 2014.
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Matthew (Champaign), 2000.
Assistant of St. Thomas the Apostle (Peoria Heights), 2002.
Administrator of St. Patrick (Havana), Immaculate Conception (Manito), 2004.
Pastor of St. Patrick (Havana), Immaculate Conception (Manito), 2006.
Pastor of St. Malachy (Rantoul), St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Thomasboro), 2007.
Pastor of St. Patrick (Andalusia), 2009. Pastor of St. Anthony (Atkinson), 2013.
Vicar Forane (Kewanee Vicariate), 2013.