Father Joseph Dondanville
Holy Family, Lincoln, St. Thomas Aquinas, Mount Pulaski, St. Mary, Atlanta, St. Patrick, Elkhart
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Moline, Illinois
Birthday: November 28, 1967
Ordained: May 27, 1995
Current assignment:
Pastor of Holy Family (Lincoln), St. Mary (Atlanta), St. Patrick (Elkhart), St. Thomas Aquinas (Mt. Pulaski), Chaplain of Lincoln Correctional Center (Lincoln), Logan Correctional Center (Lincoln), 2021.
Past assignments:
Assistant of Holy Cross (Mendota), 1995.
Pastor of St. Mary (East Moline), 1998.
Chaplain of The High School of Saint Thomas More (Champaign), Pastor of St. Patrick (Tolono), St. Joseph (Ivesdale), 2003.
Pastor of St. Patrick (Tolono), Chaplain of The High School of Saint Thomas More (Champaign), 2007.
Pastor of St. Mary (Kickapoo), 2009.
While remaining Pastor of St. Mary (Kickapoo); Pastor of St. Patrick (Elmwood), 2017.