Father John Baptist Uwigaba
St. John the Baptist, Bradford, St. Dominic, Wyoming
Incardinated in another Diocese, serving in Peoria Diocese
Born: Uganda, East Africa
Birthday: August 25, 1959
Ordained: October 6, 1991 (Rwanda)
Current assignment:
Pastor of St. Joseph, Brimfield and St. James, Williamsfield (2024).
Past assignments:
Parochial Vicar of St. Maria Goretti, Coal Valley and Mary, Our Lady of Peace, Orion (2017).
Parochial Vicar of Corpus Christi, Galesburg; St. Patrick, Galesburg; Immaculate Heart of Mary, Galesburg; and Sacred Heart, Abingdon (2018).
Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph, Peru; St. Valentine, Peru; and St. Mary, Peru (2019).
Administrator of St. John the Baptist, Bradford and St. Dominic, Wyoming (4/2023).