
St. Joseph, Hopedale, St. Mary, Delavan


Pastor, Priest


Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria


Born: Norman, Oklahoma
Birthday: November 9, 1964
Ordained May 24, 2008

Current assignment:
Pastor of St. Mary (Delavan), St. Joseph (Hopedale), 2023. While remaining Pastor of St. Mary (Delavan), St. Joseph (Hopedale); Administrator of Immaculate Conception (Manito).

Past assignments:
Parochial Vicar of St. Bernard (Peoria), St. Peter (Peoria), Cathedral of St. Mary (Peoria); teacher at Notre Dame High School (Peoria), 2008.
Administrator of St. Anthony (Hoopeston); Chaplain of Schlarman Academy (Danville), 2010.
Parochial Vicar of Holy Cross (Mendota), Sts. Peter and Paul (Peterstown), 2012.
Parochial Vicar of St. Mark (Peoria); Assistant Chaplain of St. Joseph Newman Center (Peoria), 2013.
Parochial Vicar of Holy Family (Lincoln), St. Mary (Atlanta), St. Patrick (Elkhart), St. Thomas Aquinas (Mt. Pulaski), 2016.
Parochial Vicar of Holy Trinity (Bloomington), Historic St. Patrick (Bloomington), St. Patrick (Wapella), Chaplain Team of Central Catholic High School (Bloomington), 2017.
While remaining Parochial Vicar of Holy Trinity (Bloomington), Historic St. Patrick (Bloomington), St. Patrick (Wapella); Chaplain of St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center (Normal), 2018.
Remaining Chaplain of St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center (Normal); Administrator of St. Patrick (Wapella), Chaplain of Central Catholic High School (Bloomington), 2020.
While remaining Chaplain of Central Catholic High School (Bloomington), St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center (Normal); Pastor of St. Patrick (Wapella), 2021.
Chaplain of Central Catholic High School (Bloomington), Pastor of St. Patrick (Wapella), 2022.


Father Nathan Hopper


Father John C. Horton