Father Eric Bolek
St. Mary of Lourdes, Germantown Hills
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Palos Heights, Illinois
Birthday: August 28, 1988
Ordained: May 23, 2015
Current assignment:
Pastor of St. Mary of Lourdes (Germamtown Hills), 2024.
Past assignments:
Parochial Vicar of St. Jude (Peoria), 2015.
Parochial Vicar of St. Matthew (Champaign), St. Boniface (Seymour), Chaplain of The High School of Saint Thomas More (Champaign), 2018.
Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick Church of Merna (Bloomington), St. Mary (Downs), 2019.
Parochial Vicar of St. Pius X (Rock Island), 2020.
Parochial Vicar of Cathedral of St. Mary (Peoria), Sacred Heart (Peoria), St. Bernard (Peoria), 2021.
Administrator of St. Mary of Lourdes (Germantown Hills), 2022.