Father Edward S. Kopec
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Birthday: March 23, 1964
Ordained: May 23, 1992
Current assignment:
Chaplain of Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center (Milwaukee, WI), 2018.
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Anthony (Streator), St. Casimir (Streator), 1992.
Assistant of Epiphany (Normal), 1994.
Pastor of St. Mary (Delavan), St. Joseph (Hopedale), 1995.
Pastor of St. Joseph (Colfax), St. Rose (Strawn), 1997.
Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul (Spring Valley), 1998.
While remaining Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul (Spring Valley); Pastor of St. Gertrude, Seatonville, 2005.
Pastor of St. Ann (Toluca), Sacred Heart (Rutland), 2008.
Chaplain of OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center (Peoria), 2012.