Father Donald Roszkowski
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Northlake, Illinois
Birthday: January 25, 1970
Ordained: May 24, 1997
Current assignment:
While remaining Assistant Chaplain of OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center (Peoria), Chaplain of The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis Motherhouse (East Peoria), 2022.
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Philomena (Peoria), 1997.
Pastor of St. Paul (Odell), Sacred Heart (Campus), 1999.
Assistant Chaplain of St. John’s Chapel (Champaign), Associate Director of Vocations, 2001.
Assistant of Holy Trinity (Bloomington), 2002.
Pastor of St. John (Clinton), St. Patrick (Wapella), Sacred Heart (Farmer City), St. John (Bellflower), 2003.
Assistant of St. Vincent de Paul (Peoria), 2007.
Pastor of St. Mary (Metamora), St. Elizabeth (Washburn), 2008.
Pastor of St. Mary (El Paso), 2013.
Administrator of St. Ann (Peoria), 2016.
Assistant Chaplain of OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center (Peoria), 2020.