
St. Joseph, Chenoa, St. Joseph, Flanagan, St. Mary, Lexington, St. Mary, Pontiac


Pastor, Vicar Forane, Priest


Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria


Born: Rock Island, Illinois
Birthday: May 2, 1953
Ordained: May 23, 2009

Current assignment:
While remaining Vicar Forane (Pontiac VIcariate), Pastor of St. Joseph (Chenoa), St. Joseph (Flanagan), St. Mary (Lexington); Administrator of St. Mary (Pontiac), 2024.

Past assignments:
Parochial Vicar of St. Mary (Pontiac), St. Joseph (Flanagan), St. John (Cullom), 2009.
Administrator of St. Mary (Pontiac), St. Joseph (Flanagan), St. John (Cullom), 2012.
Pastor of St. Mary (Pontiac), St. Joseph (Flanagan), St. John (Cullom), St. Paul (Odell), 2013.
Vicar Forane (Pontiac Vicariate), 2013.
While remaining Vicar Forane (Pontiac Vicariate); Pastor of St. Joseph (Chenoa), St. Mary (Lexington), 2018.
While remaining Vicar Forane (Pontiac Vicariate); Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul (Chatsworth), St. Joseph (Chenoa), St. Joseph (Flanagan), St. Mary (Lexington), with residence at St. Mary (Pontiac), 2019.
While remaining Pastor of St. Joseph (Chenoa), St. Joseph (Flanagan), St. Mary (Lexington), Vicar Forane (Pontiac Vicariate); relinquishing duties at Sts. Peter and Paul (Chatsworth), 2024.


Father Donald Roszkowski


Father Timothy J. Sauppe