Father David P. Richardson
Episcopal Vicar, Priest, Pastor
Incardinated in the Diocese of Peoria
Born: Red Bank, New Jersey
Birthday: December 11, 1973
Ordained: May 24, 2003
Current assignment:
Episcopal Vicar of Junior Clergy, 2014.
Pastor of Epiphany (Normal), 2024.
Past assignments:
Assistant of St. Matthew (Champaign), 2003.
Assistant of St. Philomena (Peoria), 2006.
While remaining Assistant of St. Philomena (Peoria); Assistant Vocations Director, 2007.
While remaining Assistant Vocations Director; Administrator of St. Philomena (Peoria), 2008.
Pastor of St. Philomena (Peoria), 2009.
While remaining Pastor of St. Philomena (Peoria); Episcopal Vicar of Junior Clergy, 2014.
While remaining Pastor of St. Philomena (Peoria), Episcopal Vicar of Junior Clergy; Administrator of St. Ann (Peoria), 2015.
Remaining Pastor of St. Philomena (Peoria), Episcopal Vicar of Junior Clergy; relinquishing St. Ann (Peoria), 2016.