Father Johnathan Steffen
Born: Fairbury, Illinois
Birthday: July 27, 1972
Ordained: May 26, 2012
Current assignment:
Pastor of St. Patrick, Washington and St. Monica, East Peoria (10/1/2018).
Past assignments:
Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick, Washington and St. Monica, East Peoria (2012).
Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick of Merna, Bloomington and St. Mary, Downs; Sacramental Team member at St. John Paul II Newman Center, Normal (2014).
Administrator of St. Mary, El Paso and Chaplain at St. John Paul II Newman Center, Normal (2016).
Pastor of St. Mary, El Paso and Chaplain of St. John Paul II Newman Center, Normal (2017).
Pastor of St. Mary, El Paso; St. Patrick, Washington; and St. Monica, East Peoria (2018).