St. Bernard Parish
509 E Kansas Street
Peoria, IL 61603
16 Dulciana
8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 Gedeckt
8 Dulciana
4 Octave
4 Flute
4 Gedeckt
4 Dulcet
2 2/3 Flute
2 Super Octave
1 1/3 Flute
16 Sw to Gr
8 Sw to Gr
4 Sw to Gr
16 Bourdon
8 Violin Diapason
8 Stopped Diapason
8 Salicional
8 Hohl Flute
8 Oboe Gamba
4 Principal
4 Stopped Flute
4 Salicional
4 Harmonic Flute
4 Violin
2 2/3 Nazard
2 Piccolo
1 3/5 Tierce
16 Oboe
32 Resultant
10 2/3 Quint
16 Bourdon
8 Flute
5 1/3 Quint
4 Flute
Gr. to Ped 8
Sw to Ped 8
Sw to Ped 4
Hinners organ, 9 rank, 2 manual, electrified, originally tubular pneumatic. This organ is presently used in liturgical services, and restoration is being considered by the parish.