2024 ADA Video (English)
2024 ADA Video (Spanish subtitles)
We can do miracles through generosity
~Pope Francis
How Your Gift Is Used
Every one of our parishes is the beneficiary of the Annual Diocesan Appeal! The Diocese is the sum total of all the parishes. Thousands upon thousands of Catholics in the Diocese are directly or indirectly served by Diocesan programs and services.
In addition, any money that is paid over the parish's goal is returned to the parish for its own programs and services as extraordinary income.
The Catholic Post
Information Management
Chief of Mission
Catholic Schools
Respect Life
Catholic Charities
Diocesan Operations*
Divine Worship
Pontifical Liturgies
High School Eucharistic Conference
Diocesan Operations*
Hispanic Ministry
Retreat Center
Marriage Tribunal
Family Life
Newman Centers
Diocesan Operations*
Vocations Recruitment
Seminary Preparation
Preparation of Permanent Deacons
Clergy Continuing Education
Clergy Healthcare
Clergy Financial Aid
Diocesan Operations*
*Diocesan Operations include: Bishop's Office, Chancery, Finance, Human Resources, Spalding Pastoral Center