prolife 8

Vicki Tyler, executive director of the Women’s Choice Center of the Quad Cities, shows a model of a developing unborn child and explains ultrasound equipment to Michelle Dasso and her daughter Madelyn during a tour of the center’s mobile medical unit. The unit was present at St. Mary Church in Rock Island on July 13 for an evening welcoming the Biking for Babies team. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

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Prolife 3

Steve Blick, a member of Providence Church in Morton, is pictured with a long line of prayerful witnesses to the sanctity of human life along University St. on Oct. 2 during the Life Chain in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

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prolife 11

The 17 students from St. Mary School in Pontiac wore t-shirts that declared their intention to “Love Like Francis” by serving others. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

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