Lent: The Season of Grace
Looking for some ideas or resources to make this Lent fruitful? Here are a few links to explore:
Some good studies/emails/etc.
Best Lent Ever: free videos from Matthew Kelly sent to your inbox
o http://dynamiccatholic.com/bestlentever/
CDs, Books, DVDs from Fr. Robert Barron
o http://www.wordonfire.org/lent/
The Way: Video series from Real Life Catholic- Chris Stefanick
o http://reallifecatholic.com/ (sign up at bottom of page)
Lentsanity: App, all kinds of Social Media, articles, videos, etc., from FOCUS o http://www.focus.org/lentsanity/
#ShareJesus: A social media challenge for Lent- videos sent to you, and then meant to be shared
o http://redeemedonline.com/ Still stumped about what to do this Lent?
Outside the Box: 66 ideas to give up or take up this Lent
o http://www.catholicallyear.com/2014/02/outside-box-66-things-to-give-upor.html
What to do for Lent: Worksheet and ideas for living Lent out in community:
o http://www.piercedhands.com/living-lent-community/
What Should I Do For Lent? Pope Francis’ 10 Tips
o http://www.focus.org/blog/posts/what-should-i-do-for-lent-pope-francis-tentips.html
Pray Fast Give Lent Calendar from Busted Halo: surprises you with a message every day, as well as a challenge for how to pray, fast, and give.
o http://bustedhalo.com/features/fast-pray-give-2015 Some Good Videos:
So What’s the Story with Lent?
o http://youtu.be/zAuB-3V46zk
Ash Wednesday and Lent in Two Minutes (Busted Halo)
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3L3c23MfC0&feature=youtu.be
The Meat Police (FOCUS) just for fun o http://youtu.be/rgUmBPGiTv8
Lent Cartoon Jesus in the Desert
o http://youtu.be/O5bfxGNMY9c
“We can think of Lent as a time to eradicate evil or cultivate virtue, a time to pull up weeds or to plant good seeds. Which is better is clear, for the Christian ideal is always positive rather than negative.” ~Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen