Holy Week at The Cathedral of St. Mary’s
Holy Week Activities at the Cathedral
As the official church of the Bishop, the Cathedral of St. Mary, 607 NE Madison AVE, Peoria, IL 61603, holds a special prominence in the worship life of the local church. Here is the Cathedral’s schedule for Passion Sunday, Holy Week and Easter:
Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), March 29 at 11:30 a.m., Mass with Blessing of Palms in the parking lot of the Spalding Center, two blocks away from the cathedral, on Madison and Bryan. (Spanish)
Tuesday of Holy Week, March 31 at 1p.m., Chrism Mass. At this Mass, the Bishop blesses the oils that will be used in baptisms, confirmations, and anointing of the sick at all parishes of the Diocese throughout the coming year. (English)
Holy Thursday, April 2 at 7:15 p.m., Mass of the Lord’s Supper, “the Institution of the Eucharist and the washing of the feet” by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky CS.C,. at the end of the Mass we invite you to stay for the pilgrimage and adoration to the “Blessed Sacrament” ( The Cathedral will be open until midnight).
Good Friday, April 3 at 3 p.m., Liturgy of the Passion. Following at 5 p.m. Living Stations of the Cross along some streets near the cathedral, at the end, we will continue with the prayer of the Liturgy, the Adoration of the Holy Cross the Matrix Via. (Spanish)
*We remind you that this day is fasting and abstinence from meat, fasting requires 14 to 59 years of age, in case of illness not an obligation”
Holy Saturday, April 4 at 8:15 p.m., Easter Vigil. Presided by Bishop Daniel R Jenky CS.C (this day during the morning still is Holy because Christ is not risen) . This is the Mass at which adults are baptized or received into the Church. (Bilingual)
Easter Sunday, April 5 at 12:15 p.m., Day of Resurrection we will live this day in the Mass.
Please Check out the flyers below both in English and Spanish. Feel free to print them out as a reminder of the upcoming events!